
OOO Khimprom has completed independent assurance procedure under the Integral Program for Climate Initiatives requirements for GHG emission reductions achieved in 2013-2016 by performing Waste Coke Oven Gas Utilization Project to substitute natural gas heat generation in the amount of 201,085 tCO2. Assurance has been performed by KPMG (Russia).

These GHG emission reductions are the first carbon credits issued after Russia has discontinued participation in Kyoto protocol article 6 joint implementation mechanism.
Carbon credits shall be issued in DAO IPCI blockchain to raise financing for further implementation of result-based low carbon strategy and to mitigate GHG emissions.
DAO IPCI public blockchain secures operations with independently assured environmental units by rigid principles of transparency, reliability, decentralization, preclusion of double spending, falsifications, and data manipulations.

DAO IPCI is currently offering Mitigation Tokens (MITO) at 50% discount at http://mito.ipci.io

MITO holders shall be able to acquire Khimprom environmental units at MITO Market at http://dapp.ipci.io



Decentralized Autonomous Organization operating, sustaining and developing the Integral Platform for Climate Initiatives, smart contracts and blockchain technology-based independent ecosystem designed for carbon market instruments, including carbon compliance units’, carbon-offset credits, other environmental mitigations credits, environmental assets, rights and liabilities registration, accounting and transaction data.

DAO IPCI Mitigation Token (MITO) initial emission and distribution: http://mito.ipci.io

Contact: operator@ipci.io

OOO Khimprom


One of Russia’s largest chemical enterprises focusing on social responsibility, environment protection and specializing in production of chemicals.

Contact: info@himprom42.ru



No.1 Audit firm in Russia and one of the leading advisory firms. KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services operatштп in 152 countries with 189,000 people working in member firms around the world. The independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Each KPMG firm is a legally distinct and separate entity and describes itself as such.