
Main task of NAZCA (http://climateaction.unfccc.int)  is to bring together the commitments of companies, cities, subnational regions, investors and civil society organizations to address climate change. Public blockchain inherent properties – cost-efficiency, transparency, preclusion of data monopolization-based manipulations, of double accounting and double spending may provide valuable option for the users and for UNFCCC Secretariat to perform and comply with quantifiable commitments.

Our blockchain solution supports registration and tracking of standardized quantified commitments of companies, cities, subnational regions, investors, civil society organizations, and individuals

We assume there are two basic schemes, which may be implemented to use blockchain application to achieve NAZCA goals:

  1. To arrange for users and data providers to register and track quantified commitments in DAO IPCI blockchain and reflect blockchain transactions on the NAZCA Platform;
  2. To arrange for users and data providers with an option to register and track quantified commitments placed to the NAZCA Platform in DAO IPCI blockchain.

The second option seems to be more practical.

Currently DAO IPCI source-code, protocols and smart-contracts provide for registration, tracking, and transfer of mitigation activities outcomes and using mitigation outcomes for offsetting purposes. Those mitigation outcomes may reflect standardized quantifiable units like verified GHG emission reductions, removals or renewable energy certificates.

DAO IPCI Team is currently developing additional module to provide for registration, verification and tracking quantified commitments and quantified impact (see Annex), and we would appreciate comments and suggestion to suite the NAZCA requirements.

DAO IPCI architectonics would entail particular operator or operators and independent entities to supervise and verify compliance of the input data with the NAZCA requirements. UNFCCC Secretariat may authorize such operator or operators and independent entities to perform respective functions.

Users (companies, cities, subnational regions, investors and civil society organizations and individuals) under the proposed scheme would perform as Compliers responsible for specific quantified commitments.

DAO IPCI source code being open and public provides for securing fundamental requirement - no need for anyone to trust anyone except the source code, the protocols, and the smart contracts.

We would propose discussion of the general model based on either of the two schemes above and developing technical specification, NAZCA platform website API and other elements of practical implementation on the basis of the agreed model.


ANNEX: Quantified commitment/Quantified impact contract/module (Draft), Russian and English languages

Комплайер создает контракт количественное обязательство/воздействие и новый реестр экологических единиц, задавая:

1.      Название (имя человека, компании, субнациональной юрисдикции, множества источников, продукта, товара или услуги)*

2.      Срок действия (дата окончания и дата отчетности)*

3.      Лимит в тСО2экв

4.      Фактические выбросы на период, предшествующий созданию контракта в тСО2экв (не могут превышать лимит поля 3)

5.       Фактические выбросы за отчетный период*

6.      Адрес контракта Комплайера

7.      Название независимой организации*

8.      Название реестра (токена) экологических единиц

9.      Адреса существующих реестров экологических единиц


Complier creates Quantified commitment/Quantified impact contract, and new environmental units registry, defining:

1.      Name (person, company, subnational jurisdiction, set of sources, product, or service)*

2.      Effective period (expiration date and reporting date)*

3.      Limit (cap) in tCO2e

4.      Actual baseline emissions prior to creation of the contract (cannot exceed the figure in the field 3)

5.       Actual emissions in the reporting period

6.      Complier contract address

7.      Name of the Independent Entity (group)*

8.      Name for new environmental units registry (token)

9.      Addresses of existing environmental units registries



1.      Устанавливает коэффициент (процент) залога так же, как в залоговом контракте (от 0 до ∞)

2.      Одобряет, то есть вносит в ядро*


1.      Defines the security deposit percentage (ratio) the way it is done for Security Deposit Contract

2.      Adds module to the Core*


1.      Вносит залог на контракт


1.      Sends security deposit to the Contract

Независимая организация:

1.      Подтверждает фактические выбросы на период, предшествующий созданию контракта (если поле 4 заполнено)

2.      Выпускает в новый реестр экологических единиц токены в пределах лимита в поле 3 и на основе коэффициента, установленного Оператором, и внесенного на Контракт залога

Independent Entity:

1.      Confirms actual baseline emissions prior to creation of the contract (if the field 4 is not empty)

2.      Issues tokens to the new environmental registry within the limit in the field 3 and based on the security deposit ratio (percentage) established by the Operator and actual security at the Contract


Действие контракта:

1.      Единицы из реестров, указанных в поле 9, внесенные и сожженные на контракте Комплайера, указанном в поле 6, вычитаются из поля 5

2.      Число токенов, переданных из созданного реестра экологических единиц, добавляется в поле 5

Contract logic:

1.      Environmental units from the registries in the field 9 burnt at the Complier’s contract (field 6) are subtracted from the field 5

2.      Amount of tokens sent from the new environmental registry is added up to the field 5


По истечении срока действия, но до истечения срока отчетности

1.      Комплайер вносит данные о выбросах в поле 5*

2.      Независимая организация заверяет данные, внесенные Комплайером, в поле 5*

After the expiration date and before the reporting date

1.      Complier fills-in the field 5*

2.      Independent entity confirms the data input by Complier in the field 5*

Действие контракта по истечении срока отчетности

1.      Если значение поля 5 меньше значения поля 3, залог возвращается Комплайеру*

2.      Если значение поля 5 больше значения поля 3 залог передается Оператору, реестр экологических единиц и выпущенные в него токены аннулируются (деактивируются)*

Logic of the Contract after the reporting date

1.      If the figure in the field 5 is lesser than the figure in the field 3, the deposit is sent to the Complier*

2.      If the figure in the field 5 is bigger than the figure in the field 3, the deposit is sent to the Operator, environmental units registry and it’s tokens are deactivated*

*Обязательные поля/действия *Required fields/actions

Contact for comments and suggestions: info@ipci.io