
Quantified commitment/Quantified impact contract design


Complier creates Quantified commitment/Quantified impact contract, and new environmental units registry, defining: 















1.      Name (person, company, subnational jurisdiction, set of sources, product, or service)*

2.      Effective period (expiration date and reporting date)*

3.      Limit (cap) in tCO2e

4.      Actual baseline emissions prior to creation of the contract (cannot exceed the figure in the field 3)

5.       Actual emissions in the reporting period

6.      Complier contract address

7.      Name of the Independent Entity (group)*

8.      Name for new environmental units registry (token)

9.      Addresses of existing environmental units registries






1.      Defines the security deposit percentage (ratio) the way it is done for Security Deposit Contract

2.      Adds module to the Core*





1.      Sends security deposit to the Contract

Independent Entity:







1.      Confirms actual baseline emissions prior to creation of the contract (if the field 4 is not empty)

2.      Issues tokens to the new environmental registry within the limit in the field 3 and based on the security deposit ratio (percentage) established by the Operator and actual security at the Contract


Contract logic:






1.      Environmental units from the registries in the field 9 burnt at the Complier’s contract (field 6) are subtracted from the field 5

2.      Amount of tokens sent from the new environmental registry is added up to the field 5


After the expiration date and before the reporting date:





1.      Complier fills-in the field 5*

2.      Independent entity confirms the data input by Complier in the field 5*

Logic of the Contract after the reporting date:






1.      If the figure in the field 5 is lesser than the figure in the field 3, the deposit is sent to the Complier*

2.      If the figure in the field 5 is bigger than the figure in the field 3, the deposit is sent to the Operator, environmental units registry and it’s tokens are deactivated*

*Required fields/actions


Please address comments and suggestions to info@ipci.io